Repaying Evil for Good Genesis 44:1-34
At one of our elders’ meetings, we were talking about how we have so much detail about this part of Joseph’s life but we get so little detail about so many others. Methusela lived 969 years but we don’t know anything about his life. Without him, the chain of progression to Noah and beyond would…
You Meant It For Evil Genesis 37:8-36
Psalm 2 tells us that the nations, the kings of the earth, and the rulers all gathered together and in a rage the plot against the Lord and his anointed. They want to get rid of their authority over them. But all of their anger and plotting is done in vain. It’s pointless. It’s comical….
The Lord Will Provide
Genesis 22:1-14 The text before us today is one that, hopefully, most Christians are acquainted with. Now, the enemy is most definitely acquainted with it and would like to see it erased from existence. You can see this in the world’s response to it. This story, to the world, is an example of the wickedness…
For Kingship Belongs to the Lord
Many of the stories we read in Genesis are about the choices humans make. God providentially brings about a crossroads and those involved have to decide which way they will take. Will they follow God and goodness or will they choose their own path and evil?