Holiness The Fight-Part 3
1. Faith in the Truth of God’s Written Word 2. Faith in the Person, Work, and Office of the Lord Jesus Christ. 3. Faith in Christ’s Presence and Readiness to Help 4. We Must Remember the Victories of Faithful Christian Soldiers. Pay attention to Hebrews 11. Learn about those in the early church who gave their lives in faith like Polycarp and Ignatius. Study the Protestant Reformation and people like Wycliffe, Huss, Luther, Ridley, Latimer, and Hooper. After them came men like the Wesley brothers, Whitefield, Edwards, and Wilberforce. By faith, they lived, and walked, and stood and overcame. Do you want to be a Christian soldier? Pray for faith. Do you want to be a successful Christian soldier? Pray continually for more faith. True Christianity Is a Good Fight 1. Fought Under the Best of Generals – Jesus Christ is our commander and leads us with perfect wisdom, infinite love, and almighty power. 2. Fought With the Best of Helps – We have the Holy Spirit who daily teaches, leads, guides, and directs. The Father guards us by his power. The Son intercedes for us at every moment.