
The Millennium The First Days of Forever Lesson 10

Zechariah has more to say about the coming kingdom than any other minor prophet. The last three chapters of Zechariah describe in vivid detail the final days of the great tribulation and the first days of the millennial reign of Christ. Zechariah’s vision is of a future kingdom where everything, from the temple altar to…

The Millennium: The First Days of Forever – Lesson 8

The Millennium: The First Days of Forever – Lesson 8 The final chapters of Ezekiel describe a mysterious prince who will lead sacrifices and have authority in the land. We also see the geographic restructuring of the land for the building of a massive 640-acre temple. This temple has a river flowing out of it…

The Millennium – The First Days of Forever: Lesson 6

The Millennium – The First Days of Forever: Lesson 6 In the final chapter of Isaiah, we get a glimpse at both the New Earth and the Millennium. Prophecies of the two are interwoven, as the Millennium is a time of expanding righteousness and peace that leads seamlessly into the New Earth, yet the distinguishing…